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      Branding & Strategy

      • Got a brilliant idea and want to see it work out?
      • Wondering who actually is your client?
      • Not sure whom to consider as competitors?
      • Want to save time & money on wrong tactics?

      We combine our business expertise with digital skills to accelerate your progress. Our digital branding and strategy agency conducts both quantitative and qualitative market research. This forms the foundation for shaping your business model and taking control of your digital branding. We delve deep into developing business strategies driven by digital communications, fostering seamless interactions in the market and within your team. Subsequently, we assist in implementation and ongoing refinement.

      Our approach initiates with an extensive discussion of your concept. This encompasses considerations of the broader market landscape, future launch strategies, promotional endeavours, and ultimate success benchmarks. Right from the initial briefing, you begin to derive value. Our questions stimulate creative thinking and offer fresh perspectives. This unique blend of hard skills, diverse business backgrounds, and strategic knowledge define our consultancy services.

      branding strategy

      We operate agilely, taking measured steps and consistently gathering feedback. This iterative process yields valuable insights, driving strategic revisions. The result is the delivery of customised solutions tailored to work for you. This approach not only saves time but also streamlines communications, eliminating redundancies. Moreover, we employ advanced techniques to engage stakeholders in structured, productive dialogues. This ensures comprehensive information gathering, idea generation, and collective ownership of the outcomes. 

      branding strategy moving forward

      Work process

      Through this meticulous process, we ensure that every aspect of your digital branding and strategy is fine-tuned for success.


      Briefing and Consultation:
      Our journey begins with a comprehensive discussion to understand your vision and goals. We'll explore how our agency can assist you in growing your business.


      Delving deep into the specifics. We analyse your product offerings, capacities, customer profiles, and competitors; then, we conduct a SWOT analysis to identify key opportunities.


      Customer Discovery:
      Understanding your target audience is pivotal. We employ case studies, surveys, and analytics to gain insights that inform our strategies.


      Business Model:
      Crafting a robust business model is the cornerstone of success. We work on strategies that align with your product and resonate with your audience.


      Financial Modeling and Planning:
      Crunching the numbers to ensure your venture's financial health. We provide a range of services, from market projections to revenue forecasting.


      Developing a compelling brand identity. This includes defining your mission, vision, positioning, naming, and creating an unforgettable logo and corporate style.


      Customer Journey Mapping:
      Understanding your customers' path to purchase. This helps tailor your strategies to maximise impact at every touchpoint.


      Digital Strategy:
      We outline a range of services, from promotion activities to specific targets, and design workflows for seamless execution.


      Requirements and Roadmaps:
      Detailed plans for web development, workflow automation, and a seamless launch. We utilise cutting-edge digital branding and strategy tools to ensure a flawless execution.


      Monitoring and Strategic Support:
      Our commitment doesn't end at launch. We provide ongoing support, monitor performance, and make strategic adjustments based on evolving digital branding and strategy trends.

      Why hire us ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ for digital branding & strategy?

      Native branding

      We understand that your brand is not just a logo or a tagline; it's an experience crafted for your audience. Through an agile development process, we ensure you're an active part of the creative journey. Together, we forge an identity uniquely yours, designed to resonate deeply with your customers.

      Minding the Outcomes

      bottom line profit ROI
      A powerful brand is a magnet for precisely the right customers - those who find value in your offer. This means you can invest your time and resources where they matter most. With us, you're not just growing a business but fostering a community of devoted supporters.


      made for humans
      We recognise that a brand isn't just about aesthetics; it's a mission. It's about delivering tangible value to your community. Elements like your brand's name, sub-brands, design language, and interaction patterns form the bedrock of how customers perceive and engage with your brand. Our commitment is to ensure your public communications are informative, intuitive, and authentic.

      Transparent work process

      transparent work process
      Our clients gain access to our intranet platform, allowing them to familiarise themselves with the entire project team and actively participate in discussions. For those who prefer a hands-off approach, you'll still have complete visibility into our progress at any moment. Additionally, regular reports on project status are available on request.

      On time, in budget

      on time in budget
      We understand the value of your time. Our online work environment and presentation practices are optimised to deliver even greater value than traditional offline methods. With realistic planning and dedication, we consistently meet deadlines and adhere to budget constraints unless new requirements necessitate adjustments.

      Ongoing support & maintenance

      support and maintenance
      Our commitment extends far beyond strategy creation. We believe in continuous improvement. We monitor feedback, helping you refine and optimise your strategy for sustained success. In most cases, we're not just advisors but hands-on implementers, ensuring seamless execution across web development and digital marketing.



      Digital branding and strategy is a holistic approach that leverages online platforms and technology to establish a compelling brand presence, connect with target audiences, and achieve specific business objectives. 


      A well-crafted digital branding and strategy plan can foster customer loyalty, drive lead generation, and ultimately contribute to business growth. It’s a dynamic field that requires constant adaptation to the evolving digital landscape.

      We specify your value proposition, all the essential factors of its creation and delivery to the end customers, and the incoming and outgoing financial flows. We usually use the most common Osterwalder’s canvas as the framework for business modelling. We also pay attention to the consistency of the business model. In a good model, all its elements belong to the same of the three types: operational, innovative, or customer-oriented. 


      On the contrary, the worst models feature elements of one type on one side (say, product creation) and another on the other (say, sales and marketing). Such inconsistency produces either accelerated investment burnout, cluttering, or low customer satisfaction rates. We help you avoid these.

      We regard financial models as a predictive tool that helps us project quantitative outcomes depending on the choice of strategic decisions we take together with you. It is thus a strategy refinement tool for us. 


      The financial models we build are fully scalable in Excel (i.e. nothing breaks when you extend them by any number of periods to the future). All the assumptions are listed on a separate sheet. The model includes explicit calculation of all types of lead generation and sales expenses, including taxes and financing costs. Unit economics, cash flow, balance sheet, and P&L are separate blocks. The most exciting part is the DCF analysis, showing the expected profitability. We also build scenario projections that allow you to compare the probable outcomes of your strategic decisions and market conditions.

      You won’t believe it, but neither do your competitors think they’ve got you. We have to do something about it.


      Seriously, everyone has competitors. Not only direct but indirect too. Even if your new product is a moon atmosphere moisturiser, your potential customers (if they exist) are always selective about what to spend their money on. From this perspective, even a family ticket to Disneyland may compete with you for their money, in a way. And the competitors worth your consideration are nearer than you might imagine. Think of the alternative solutions to the problem you help your customer with. They exist, and we will show you.


      smiling woman
      Kate Castonguay

      “Milton Capital”

      I know I’m a difficult client, but somehow you guys found a way to my heart. I love it when I can forget about all tech stuff for a known monthly fee.

      middle aged man in glasses
      Lance Kramer

      “Grinder Motors”

      The website was launched according to the schedule, our customers can now easily get their future vehicle configured online, immediately get the price and the date they can sit and drive.

      smiling old man in suit
      Mark Straat

      “Construction League”

      We used to waste 40% of our office time on useless paperwork and failing workflows or simply chaos no workflows at all. I saved us more than money or time, it’s about our market share! Thank you!

      Let's Build Your Success Story Together

      Let us know by pressing “CONTACT US” above or dropping a line in our livechat. For a more in-depth discussion, try filling out our Brief.

      abstract geometric shapes