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      Digital Marketing

      • Want to increase your reach while keeping your communication targeted?
      • Want to save on unnecessary marketing expenses?
      • Want to enjoy synergetic effects from various channels?
      • Want to get the folks on the net to queue for your products & services?

      Our digital marketing agency based in Melbourne offers a comprehensive range of digital marketing services designed to elevate your brand’s visibility and drive meaningful results. Our integrated approach combines cutting-edge digital marketing tools, expertly crafted strategies, and a deep understanding of digital marketing trends to deliver exceptional outcomes.

      digital marketing strategy

      We craft a tailored strategy encompassing SEO, social media marketing (SMM), PPC, email marketing, and more. This holistic approach ensures that all your virtual channels work harmoniously, providing a seamless user experience and maximising your online reach.

      marketing team


      Give us a link to your website, and we’ll get back to you with ideas and guide you on how to get better results.

        If you also want us to check your ads account, conduct a SEO Audit, and
        examine any other digital activity you name, please drop us a line using the
        live chat or call us.

        Work process

        At our digital marketing agency, we offer a range of services designed to drive results, from SEO and PPC to social media marketing and email campaigns. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of your digital marketing strategy and achieve meaningful, measurable outcomes.


        Defining Objectives:
        Defining clear, measurable objectives (quantitative, short-term and long-term) that align with your business goals.


        Web Analytics and Updated Strategy:
        Leveraging powerful digital marketing tools and in-depth web analytics to refine and update your digital marketing strategy.


        Tactic Plan:
        Crafting a tactical, result-oriented plan for the upcoming month.


        Digital Marketing Channel and Campaign Setup:
        Utilising diverse digital marketing channels, from SEO and PPC to email marketing and social media, to maximise your brand's online presence.


        Content Creation and Posting:
        Engaging your audience with compelling content tailored to their needs and interests.


        Website Optimisation:
        Enhancing user experience, improving search engine rankings, and boosting overall performance.


        Delivering personalised email campaigns that speak directly to your audience.


        Social Media Profile Development and Influencer Activities:
        Leveraging influencer partnerships and strategic activities to expand your reach and engage your target audience.


        Special Projects:
        Taking on unique, high-impact projects to further elevate your brand's digital presence.


        Observation, Evaluation and Fine-tuning:
        Continuously monitoring campaign performance, gathering valuable insights for refinement.


        Monthly Report:
        Staying informed with comprehensive monthly reports detailing the work undertaken and the metrics achieved.

        Why hire us ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ for Digital Marketing?

        Cohesive approach

        adaptive holistic approach
        We take a comprehensive approach to your online presence. We cover everything from formulating a robust digital marketing strategy to executing SEO, PPC campaigns, impactful mailings, and optimising conversions on your website.

        Long-term & regular

        full cycle icon
        We focus on building long-term partnerships, typically spanning six months or more. While our monthly tariffs remain fixed, the scope and nature of our work and potential achievements may vary. What remains constant is our availability and accountability.

        Monthly reconciliation

        team management
        We conduct monthly meetings to review the progress, discuss accomplishments, set new objectives, and explore emerging opportunities. Our written reports offer detailed numerical analyses, providing clear insights into the changes.


        analytics dashboards
        For real-time visibility, we leverage Google Data Studio. This dynamic platform integrates data from various reporting and analytics sources, offering your marketing team a unified view of your progress.

        Website optimisation

        support and maintenance
        Your website's ultimate conversions and visibility hinge on its performance, content quality, design, and dynamic data accuracy (e.g., product availability). We prioritise ongoing optimisation to enhance both user appeal and search engine recognition.


        made for humans
        We personalise your marketing messages based on user behaviour and preferences. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of conversion, as customers are more likely to engage with content relevant to their interests.

        We always learn

        digital training
        n the fast-evolving digital landscape, continuous learning is non-negotiable. Our team thrives on staying updated with the latest trends in search engines, social media, ads, web design, and more. This dedication ensures we keep your brand at the forefront of online visibility.

        Expertise and style

        Our seasoned marketers bring a wealth of experience, with each team member boasting over three years in their respective fields. Their styles and unique perspectives contribute to a diverse and dynamic approach. Project teams are carefully curated to leverage the strengths of each specialist and foster innovative ideas.

        Compliance and literacy

        audit technical optimization
        Adherence to guidelines set by search engines, social platforms, and other industry authorities is paramount. This ensures flawless campaign setup and execution. Additionally, we stay at the forefront of best practices and algorithmic insights to deliver optimal results for your brand.



        Digital marketing is a comprehensive set of strategies and tactics to promote products, services, or brands through digital channels. It leverages various online platforms, channels, and technologies to connect with a target audience, engage them, and influence their buying decisions. This encompasses many activities, including search engine optimisation (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and more.


        The primary goal of digital marketing is to increase brand visibility, generate leads, drive website traffic, and, ultimately, boost conversions and revenue. It’s highly data-driven, allowing marketers to track and measure their campaigns’ performance in real-time, making data-informed decisions and optimising strategies for better results. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is crucial for a successful digital marketing campaign.

        Digital marketing is crucial because it allows businesses to reach their target audience where they spend a significant amount of time – online. It enables precise targeting, cost-effectiveness, real-time data analysis, and the ability to adapt strategies quickly. This leads to increased brand visibility, customer engagement, and higher conversions and revenue.

        This type of question is normally asked by people used to setting up ads on their own, posting stuff on social media, etc. Imagine how much time you could save once you eliminate this activity by delegating it to professionals.


        Furthermore, we as an agency will not do what you used to. We implement an integrated cross-channel approach and brand new approaches you have no time to learn on your own, which helps us boost your visibility on the web and make your online presence many times more effective. Here are the benefits:

        • Your reach among relevant audiences grows;
        • Your brand image becomes stronger;
        • Conversion rates on your website grow visibly;
        • Your market becomes more transparent to you, so you understand your customers better;
        • You get higher returns on marketing investment (ROMI);
        • You save time, money, effort and energy.

        As your online presence improves, you start getting customers from target groups who have previously been out of your reach. You simply pop up higher on the search result page in Google – and your competitors’ customers start switching to you.


        Targeted marketing communication helps you reach more specific target groups who might have had no idea about your product type. Now they get this knowledge and reveal a surprising desire to have it!


        The content you publish across the industry-relevant channels starts shaping public opinion in your favour. People who have previously taken your type of product as something insignificant, useless, or even dangerous (!) start changing their minds and thinking about trying it. 


        All these and other changes are generated by digital marketing (SEO, SMM, PPC, targeted ads, content marketing) and reveal new scaling opportunities for your business.

        We take charge of two factors in your profit formula: visitors and conversions. 



        To attract them, we set up and manage advertising campaigns (PPC), engage them through social media (SMM), feed them with targeted ads, and persuade them with valuable and insightful content. Besides that, we improve your visibility on the search engines (SEO), which includes external optimisation (e.g. backlinks to your website) and internal optimisation (improvements to the website itself, including its text content, meta-text, loading speed, quality of internal links, etc.)


        As a result, your brand awareness grows, and people on the web come across your products and services more often and finally get interested. They get on your website or social page, where the desired conversion occurs.



        Once a visitor has got onto your website (or social page), they can either convert and become your client or leave. Our goal is to maximise the rate of success. To make this happen, we begin with measuring and understanding the reasons for success or failure. We do that using advanced web analytics tools. 


        Once we understand the situation, we set goals and make improvements. For a website, it may be a change to design, placing of the buttons, text to guide the user, error fixing, abandoned cart mailing, etc., i.e., web development work. For a social page, it would be changes to texts, posts, functional elements, and communication practices for your social media operators. 


        All these improvements aim at one goal – to make more of your visitors end up as your clients – or whatever you want them to become. Dedicated specialists do different parts of this work, but they are all connected in one team and make decisions together.

        You need more people aware of your products and services to attract more sales. This awareness is built in stages that can be seen as follows:

        1. First of all, they need to be aware of your niche as such (if it is innovative, it takes time to inform the market about the very existence of this kind of solution to their existing wants); 
        2. Then, they come across your brand and identify it as a possible solution to their known problem; 
        3. Then, they start recognising your brand when they see it once and once again;
        4. Then your brand becomes the thing they call to memory every time they think about their relevant needs;
        5. Finally, they put your brand among those they think of or deal with regularly, as much as it applies to your product type. 

        Our work is to define the stage your brand awareness is at (among a specific target group) and take well-structured and scheduled actions to raise it to the next level. Every step requires its own set of tools and activities, and we are capable of all of them.



        Taking care of:
        • Keyword research
        • Semantic core
        • SEO website structure
        • Analytics setup
        • Meta tags


        Adding more effort to:
        • Better understand users
        • Grow the semantic core
        • Build content strategy


        Accelerating to ensure:
        • Proper landing pages
        • Human readable URLs
        • High engagement


        smiling woman
        Kate Castonguay

        “Milton Capital”

        I know I’m a difficult client, but somehow you guys found a way to my heart. I love it when I can forget about all tech stuff for a known monthly fee.

        middle aged man in glasses
        Lance Kramer

        “Grinder Motors”

        The website was launched according to the schedule, our customers can now easily get their future vehicle configured online, immediately get the price and the date they can sit and drive.

        smiling old man in suit
        Mark Straat

        “Construction League”

        We used to waste 40% of our office time on useless paperwork and failing workflows or simply chaos no workflows at all. I saved us more than money or time, it’s about our market share! Thank you!

        Let's Build Your Success Story Together

        Let us know by pressing “CONTACT US” above or dropping a line in our livechat. For a more in-depth discussion, try filling out our Brief.

        abstract geometric shapes