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      Type of service in question

      Salesforce is a world-renowned cloud-based ecosystem used for sales & marketing automation, customer relationship & service management, as well as app development & analytics for large and medium-sized companies. We help B2C and B2B businesses to implement and develop Salesforce cloud services. You can save capital and operating expenses while boosting your revenues and customer retention by using Salesforce. We use it to automate:

      • Sales & Marketing, such as website creation, SEO-friendly content generation, paid search, targeted ads, email campaigns, reputation management, etc.;
      • Customer service and support, including task tracking and contact center;
      • Back office processes, such as resource planning, warehousing, and performance tracking.
      set of different shapes

      With its extensive range of features, Salesforce helps you achieve business goals through various marketing channels: blogs, mailings, lead management, etc. All your customer data is consolidated in one place, analysed in real time, and can be used to help your managers to provide highly personalised service. It also allows you to quickly establish your online web store with little coding or launch a full-scale complex custom eCommerce solution.

      salesforce business automation

      By using Salesforce, you can save on setup and maintenance and enjoy a flexible, reliable solution freely synchronisable with other systems and built-in apps. Salesforce is available as both: a web app and as a mobile app.

      salesforce marketing automation

      Learn more about our solutions where we use Salesforce: eCommerce development, CRM & Intranet, and Digital Transformation.

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      Why hire us ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ for Salesforce automation?


      We rely on certified and experienced Salesforce experts who regularly take part in Salesforce training and certification courses and constantly expand their knowledge. Each of them specialises in specific types of services in the Salesforce ecosystem. Together, they provide you with multi-cloud Salesforce solutions that support your sales, service and marketing processes in a centralised manner.

      Support & Mentorship

      support mentorship
      Besides the dedicated training programs, we provide you with information, support and advice from certified Salesforce Admins, Commerce Cloud Developers, Marketing Cloud, Sales Cloud and Service Cloud Consultants, E-Mail and Social Media Specialists.

      Minding the Bottom Line

      bottom line profit ROI
      Marketing automation does not only drive conversions. It also helps you save on individual customer service, manual updates, ads with zero conversions, and even web development. We pay close attention to your workflows and take care to properly configure Salesforce functionality and integrations to improve your unit economics.


      data driven icon
      We do not rely on assumptions. Instead, we begin any project with research and analytics. We measure market parameters, competitors’ web performance, and financial perspectives, to deliver the economically optimal Salesforce solution.

      Transparent work process

      transparent work process
      We believe in close confidential partnerships. Most of our clients get invited to our intranet platform where they get acquainted with the entire project team and are able to actively engage in discussions (if they wish). Otherwise, they freely inspect our work and know its true current state at any given moment. You can also get regular reports on the status of the project on demand.


      digital security
      We only use certified tools and pay attention to each SaaS account’s security. All the data transfer channels, especially for the customer details, use quality encryption. Your sensitive data, as well as that of your customers and partners, will never become public.

      On time, in budget

      on time in budget
      We save you time by providing valuable information in big chunks when it is required for decision making. Our online work environment and presentation practices are optimised to provide even more value online than you could get offline, saving time on traveling, etc. Realistic planning allows us to keep the deadlines and budget constraints unless new requirements arise.

      Ongoing support & maintenance

      support and maintenance
      We don’t just set up the platform and vanish (unless we’re asked to). We keep taking care of your marketing processes, including minor and major updates, free troubleshooting, fixing issues and whatever is required to keep your sales and marketing processes highly performing and economic. We can also run the actual digital marketing activities based on the platform.

      Salesforce clouds
      in detail

      B2B / B2C Commerce Clouds

      cloud icon

      Our certified Salesforce consultants collaborate with you to develop an e-commerce strategy tailored to your business and informational infrastructure. If required, we launch a web store with a highly usable interface, synchronised with your accounting system, ERP, WMS, as well as other Salesforce clouds: sales, marketing, and service. We also implement the relevant digital marketing solutions to ensure visibility growth, high conversion rates, and user behavior tracking.

      Sales Cloud (CRM)

      customer relationships

      Let your sales team identify and use every sales opportunity quickly and effectively. To help you with this, we first start with business process analytics and write a list of requirements for the CRM system based on our findings. We then enter the implementation stage, where we configure the cloud, develop custom processes, migrate the data from your old systems, and synchronise tne system with the environment. When the system is ready, we launch the first fully automated marketing campaigns on social media, paid search, and email. We also provide remote system training.

      Marketing Cloud and Pardot

      marketing promotion ads

      We help you automate and run B2C and B2B marketing processes in a smart, cost-effective way. Starting with a productive promotion strategy, we configure the cloud, help you launch and manage campaigns, create personal customer profiles, and train your employees. You get your marketing content created and customised quickly. All of your outbound marketing, including the emails, ads, social media, push notifications, and SMS is then effectively configured. Your customer relationships become personal, transparent, and profitable.

      Service Cloud (CRM + Customer Service)

      made for humans

      Treat your customers with impressive service, anywhere, anytime. The cloud helps your employees to react to your customers in a prompt and precise manner. It also supports predictive analytics, telephony integration, transaction tracking across all channels. We first start with customer service process analytics and write a list of requirements for the CRM system based on our findings. We then enter the implementation stage, where we configure the cloud, develop custom functions, and synchronise the CRM with other systems, including other Salesforce clouds, web store, e-mail marketing system, etc. We also train your employees to use the system in the most efficient way.

      Content Management System

      quality content

      We help you inspire your audience with relevant and timely content and rewarding 360-degree online experience, taking your user engagement and conversions to a new level. We start with content strategy and content management concept development, and then configure the cloud and train your team to use it. You can create new content centrally and have it published across multiple touchpoints, even beyond the Salesforce ecosystem. The visual page designer makes production of impressive customer experiences for multiple channels easy. Your teamwork on the platform is managed by a comprehensive role model.

      Salesforce QuickStart for B2B / B2C Commerce

      quick speed time

      Start your online business within a few weeks! We will assist you with migrating your offline business to a solid future-proof cloud platform.
      Based on the initial research and analytics, we set up the cloud, build the UX and UI based on templates, import your products, services and catalogues, and configure the data exchange with the third-party solutions. We also migrate your existing customer details to the new cloud, synchronise it with the payment systems, set up inventory management and performance tracking. After we go live, we keep providing continuous support, maintenance, and quality assurance.



      Certainly. You get a Project Manager who coordinates the work of the team including Business Analysts, Server Admins, Salesforce and Pardot Developers, etc.
      Your Project Manager is in charge of all projects you hire us for, not only Salesforce: be it web development, CRM implementation or digital marketing, this person tracks all the projects and synchronises the work across them. They keep in touch with you and the team at all times.

      We are not limited to any specific industry. Our marketers and analysts have experience in most of the industries that involve eCommerce. Be it car sales or jewelry, food delivery or home repairs, we have worked with different types of businesses. Let us know your business goals and requirements, and we will find a solution for you.

      A complex solution includes the setup and configuration of system elements that support all your eCommerce processes in a 360-degree mode. This includes:

      • Web store management, including the content, products, prices, landing pages, special offers, etc.
      • Digital marketing pursuing a greater visibility of your products and lead generation.
      • Financial processes, such as accounting, customer accounts, and reporting.
      • Customer service, including the contact center management and task tracking.
      • Fulfilment, including ERP and WMS integration, shipping, and returns processing.

      Our service helps you to save on capital investments and operating costs by making them more predictable. You also save time and need no in-house IT resources. After we go live, you can easily expand your functionality and scale your business with or without our help.

      Yes. The project manager who conducts your Salesforce implementation project will keep taking care of support and further development of the system. We also provide comprehensive documentation for all the solutions we develop and implement, and train your employees to use Salesforce.

      Yes, we provide Salesforce Classic to Lightning migration to improve user experience and help you get access to the most advanced functions.

      Yes, it is a comfortable work environment for transnational teams and accessible service for users around the globe. Every employee has access to the embedded translation function to manage content and can use the system interface in the language they prefer.


      smiling woman
      Kate Castonguay

      “Milton Capital”

      I know I’m a difficult client, but somehow you guys found a way to my heart. I love it when I can forget about all tech stuff for a known monthly fee.

      middle aged man in glasses
      Lance Kramer

      “Grinder Motors”

      The website was launched according to the schedule, our customers can now easily get their future vehicle configured online, immediately get the price and the date they can sit and drive.

      smiling old man in suit
      Mark Straat

      “Construction League”

      We used to waste 40% of our office time on useless paperwork and failing workflows or simply chaos no workflows at all. I saved us more than money or time, it’s about our market share! Thank you!

      Let's Build Your Success Story Together

      Let us know by pressing “CONTACT US” above or dropping a line in our livechat. For a more in-depth discussion, try filling out our Brief.

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