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      As a repeatable sequence of steps with well-defined roles, starting/ending points, and KPIs, any business process can be partially or fully automated. Due to the rule “garbage in, garbage out”, a premature business process may generate excessive loss if automated. To be worthy of automation, a business process must meet a few conditions:

      • It is economically viable at the level of unit economics;
      • Its stages are balanced concerning throughput and power load, i.e. free of bottlenecks;
      • It repeats itself often enough and with no change in structure.

      Whether you want to automate a single business process or revamp your entire operations, our business process automation agency based in Melbourne is here to help. By embracing automation, businesses can unlock their full potential and achieve unprecedented operational excellence.

      set of different shapes

      To determine the suitability of automation, we evaluate the economic impact, balance of stages, and frequency of repetition of each process. Our expertise enables us to suggest a roadmap for optimisation and automation, ensuring that the most impactful strategies take priority. This approach not only maximises efficiency but also amplifies the benefits of business process automation.

      The types of processes that can be automated are unlimited, but we recommend prioritising them with respect to the expected economic effect. We also offer dedicated services for sales and marketing processes, as they are closely related to the rest of our work.

      business process analysis

      We automate processes based on SaaS solutions of a corporate-portal class. We also call these solutions business process management (BPM) systems. They can be integrated with CRM and ERP systems, working as a multifunctional portal.

      The automation includes structured information exchange between participants, automatic data processing at specific steps, reminders & notifications, task tracking & feedback at every step, synchronisation with CRM, WMS, TMS, ERP, & other systems, and KPI evaluation. Every automated process can be easily adjusted or modified at any time.

      business process management systems

      You can request Business Process Automation as a separate service, but we also provide it as part of solutions, namely CRM & Intranet, and Digital Transformation.

      geometric pattern

      Reasons to hire us for Business Process Automation

      Done for humans

      made for humans
      Our approach to business process automation is rooted in creating an environment where your employees and customers thrive. We centre our strategy around people, ensuring that they harness the full potential of digital tools for their success.

      Measurable outcomes

      bottom line profit ROI
      Comparing costs and outcomes before and after automation, gauging employee productivity, tracking customer satisfaction, reducing error rates, and alleviating stress levels are just a few of the measurable improvements awaiting your business processes through automation.

      Mobile first

      mobile first
      Our solutions adapt seamlessly to today's dynamic work landscape, where employees are often on the move. Not all work happens at desks, so we enable full mobile functionality. With our systems, you can effortlessly access essential data, perform tasks, analyse reports, and carry out work on the go.

      Transparent work process

      transparent work process
      Our clients gain access to an exclusive intranet platform, providing insights into the project team and facilitating active participation in discussions. For those who prefer a less engaged role, transparent visibility into our progress ensures a real-time understanding of project status. Additionally, tailored reports keep you updated on the project's pulse.

      On time, in budget

      on time in budget
      Our online work environment prioritises value delivery through virtual channels, eliminating the need for unnecessary travel or in-person meetings. Our planning ensures deadlines and budgets remain intact unless new requirements reshape the landscape.

      Ongoing support & maintenance

      support and maintenance
      Our journey doesn't end with setting up a corporate portal; it's the beginning of our commitment. We take care of your digital ecosystem, offering ongoing support, minor and major updates, issue resolution, and everything necessary to maintain peak operational efficiency.

      Business process automation
      in detail

      Configuration & coding

      design and configuration

      Standard processes can be automated seamlessly through module solutions, with minimal need for coding. These modules are designed for flexible configuration, tailored to your unique requirements. Should your needs transcend the standard, we're equipped to develop bespoke digital workflows. While this may carry a higher cost, it becomes invaluable for streamlining industry-specific and crucial business processes.

      Engagement and training

      digital training

      Employee engagement is at the core of our BPM methodology. Before automation, we advocate involving your team, understanding their expectations, and elucidating the forthcoming benefits. This approach fosters anticipation and enthusiasm, ensuring a smooth transition to the new BPM system.

      Audit and optimisation

      audit technical optimization

      Before initiating any automation, we comprehensively audit your existing business processes. Our evaluation encompasses mapping out the entire process, creating specific process descriptions, and formalising them using BPMN notation if required. Through this analysis, we help prioritise processes and identify optimisation opportunities – all preliminary steps that precede the automation journey.



      Business process automation (BPA) refers to the strategic deployment of technology to streamline and optimise various organisational workflows and tasks. It involves using digital tools and systems to automate routine and manual processes, eliminating the need for repetitive manual interventions. By implementing BPA, businesses can enhance efficiency, reduce errors, minimise operational costs, and improve overall productivity.


      BPA involves identifying rule-based, repetitive, and time-consuming processes and then utilising automation tools, software, and solutions to execute these tasks without human intervention. This can range from automating data entry and document routing to complex workflows involving multiple departments.

      The core objective of business process automation is to enable businesses to allocate their resources more strategically, allowing employees to focus on higher-value tasks that require creativity, critical thinking, and decision-making. Moreover, BPA helps ensure consistency and accuracy in operations, leading to improved customer experiences and better compliance with established processes.


      Overall, business process automation empowers organisations to enhance operational efficiency, accelerate processes, and achieve greater agility in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

      Automating business processes involves leveraging technology and tools to streamline and execute repetitive tasks, increasing efficiency and reducing manual effort. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to automate business processes effectively:

      1. Identify Processes: Start by identifying the processes within your organisation that are repetitive, rule-based, and time-consuming. These are the ideal candidates for automation. Examples include data entry, document approval, inventory management, and customer onboarding.
      2. Define Objectives: Clearly define the objectives you want to achieve with automation. Whether improving efficiency, reducing errors, or enhancing customer experience, having a clear goal will guide your automation efforts.
      3. Choose Automation Tools: Research and select appropriate automation tools or platforms that align with your business needs. Various tools are available, including business process automation (BPA) software, robotic process automation (RPA) tools, and workflow automation platforms.
      4. Map Processes: Create a detailed map of the processes you intend to automate. This involves understanding the sequence of steps, decision points, data inputs, and desired outputs. Visualising the process flow helps in designing effective automation workflows.
      5. Design Workflows: Using the chosen automation tool, design workflows that mirror the manual process steps. Configure the tool to perform the required tasks, such as data validation, calculations, notifications, and integrations with other systems.
      6. Integrate Systems: Integrate the automation tool with other systems and applications used within your organisation. This allows for seamless data exchange and prevents data silos.
      7. Configure Triggers: Implement triggers that initiate the automated process. Triggers can be time-based, event-based, or data-driven. For instance, an order confirmation email can be triggered when a customer completes a purchase.
      8. Test and Validate: Before fully deploying automation, thoroughly test the workflows to ensure they work as intended. Address any issues or errors that arise during testing.
      9. Employee Training: Train your employees on how to use the automation tools and workflows. Emphasise the benefits of automation and demonstrate how it will simplify their tasks.
      10. Monitor and Optimise: Monitor the automated processes to ensure they run smoothly. Gather performance metrics to assess the impact of automation on efficiency, accuracy, and other relevant KPIs. Identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to optimise the workflows.
      11. Scale Gradually: Start with automating simpler processes and gradually move to more complex ones. This approach lets you learn from each automation implementation and refine your strategies.
      12. Regular Updates: As your organisation evolves, periodically review and update the automated processes to ensure they remain aligned with your current business needs and objectives.

      Business process automation holds significant importance for modern businesses seeking to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and achieve optimal efficiency. By leveraging technology to replace manual tasks and processes, organisations can unlock various benefits contributing to their growth and success.


      smiling woman
      Kate Castonguay

      “Milton Capital”

      I know I’m a difficult client, but somehow you guys found a way to my heart. I love it when I can forget about all tech stuff for a known monthly fee.

      middle aged man in glasses
      Lance Kramer

      “Grinder Motors”

      The website was launched according to the schedule, our customers can now easily get their future vehicle configured online, immediately get the price and the date they can sit and drive.

      smiling old man in suit
      Mark Straat

      “Construction League”

      We used to waste 40% of our office time on useless paperwork and failing workflows or simply chaos no workflows at all. I saved us more than money or time, it’s about our market share! Thank you!

      Let's Build Your Success Story Together

      Let us know by pressing “CONTACT US” above or dropping a line in our livechat. For a more in-depth discussion, try filling out our Brief.

      abstract geometric shapes